Parole chiave – Uccelli nidificanti, fenologia, habitat, popolazione e trend, provincia di Mantova, Italia settentrionale.
Riassunto – Viene presentata e commentata la situazione dell’avifauna nidificante in provincia di Mantova aggiornata al 2022. Vengono forniti dati su: fenologia, habitat riproduttivo, consistenza e trend delle popolazioni relative a due periodi (1980- 1999 e 2000-2022). L’avifauna nidificante mantovana risulta attualmente composta da 145 specie (80 non-Passeriformi e 65 Passeriformi). Le specie nidificanti regolari sono 98 (68%), le irregolari 38 (26%), le nidificanti probabili 9 (6%).
Key words – Breeding Birds, of the Mantua province, habitat, phenology, and population trend.
Abstract – The nesting birds of the Mantua province: phenology, habitat, population and trend. Notes on the current status of the nesting birds community of the Mantua province (Central Po Plain). Here is presented the current situation of the nesting avifauna of the Mantua province (Northern Italy). Data about phenology, nesting habitat, populations trend and consistency are presented for two time periods, 1980-1999 and 2000-2022. Currently, there are 145 species (80 non-Passeriformes and 65 Passeriformes) of birds nesting in Mantua. Regarding these species, 98 (68%) nest regularly withing the province, 38 (26%) not regularly, while 9 (6%) only probable nesting record were collected.